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Xmlhttprequest example
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? Previous Next ?A common use of JSON is to read data from a web server,and display the data in a web xmlhttpdequest chapter will teach you, in 4 easy steps, how to readJSON data, using XMLHttp.JSON ExampleThis example reads a menu from myTutorials.txt, and displays the menu in a webpage:
Try it Yourself �Example Explained1: Create an array of objects.Use an array literal to declare an array ofobjects.Give each object two properties:display and url.Name the array myArray: var myArray = [{"display": "JavaScript Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp"},{"display": "HTML Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp"},{"display": "CSS Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp"}]2: Create a JavaScript function to display the array.Create a function myFunction() that loops the array objects,and display the content as HTML links: function myFunction(arr) {var out = "";var i;for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {out += '' + arr[i].display + '';}document.getElementById("id01").innerHTML = out;}Call myFunction() with myArray as argument: [{"display": "JavaScript Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp"},{"display": "HTML Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp"},{"display": "CSS Tutorial","url": "https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp"}]Look at the file �4: Read the text file with an XMLHttpRequestWrite an XMLHttpRequest to read the text file, and usemyFunction() to display thearray: var xmlhttpequest = new XMLHttpRequest();var url = "myTutorials.txt";xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {if (this.readyState == 4 &&this.status == 200) {var myArr = JSON.parse(this.responseText);myFunction(myArr);}};xmlhttp.open("GET",url, true);xmlhttp.send(); Try it Yourself � LEARN MOREHTML CardsGoogle MapsAnimated ButtonsModal BoxesModal ImagesTooltipsLoadersFilter ListJS AnimationsProgress BarsDropdownsSlideshowAccordionsSide NavigationTop NavigationHTML IncludesTabs W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.
Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly xmlhttprequwst to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy.Copyright 1999-2016 by Refsnes Data. All Rights Reserved.Powered by W3.CSS. HTML HTML Tag Reference HTML Event Reference HTML Color Reference HTML Attribute Reference HTML Canvas Reference HTML SVG Reference Google Maps Reference CSS CSS Reference CSS Selector Reference W3.CSS Reference Bootstrap Reference ? Previous Next ?Server ResponseTo get the response from a server, use the responseText or responseXML propertyof the XMLHttpRequest object.
PropertyDescriptionresponseTextget the response data as a stringresponseXMLget the response data as XML dataThe responseText PropertyIf the response from the server is not XML, use the responseText property.The responseText property returns the response as a string, and you can use it accordingly:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText; Try it Yourself �The responseXML PropertyIf the response from the server is XML, and you want to parse it asan XML object, use the responseXML property:
xmlDoc = xhttp.responseXML;txt = "";x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ARTIST");for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {txt += x[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "
";}document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt; Try it Yourself �
LEARN MOREHTML CardsGoogle MapsAnimated ButtonsModal BoxesModal ImagesTooltipsLoadersFilter ListJS AnimationsProgress BarsDropdownsSlideshowAccordionsSide NavigationTop NavigationHTML IncludesTabs
W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.
Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid examlpe, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy.Copyright 1999-2016 by Refsnes Data.
All Rights Reserved.Powered by W3.CSS. HTML HTML Tag Reference HTML Event Reference HTML Color Reference HTML Attribute Reference HTML Canvas Reference HTML SVG Reference Google Maps Reference CSS CSS Reference CSS Selector Reference W3.CSS Reference Bootstrap Reference ? Previous Next ?The keystone xmlhttprequestt AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object.The XMLHttpRequest ObjectAll modern browsers xmlhttpgequest the XMLHttpRequest object.The XMLHttpRequest object is used to exchange data with a server behind examole.
This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, withoutreloading the whole page.Create an XMLHttpRequest ObjectAll modern browsers (Chrome, IE7+, Firefox, Safari, and Opera) have a built-in XMLHttpRequest object.Syntax for creating an XMLHttpRequest object: variable = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");To handle all browsers, including IE5 and IE6,check if the browser supports the XMLHttpRequest object.
If it does, create anXMLHttpRequest object, if not, create an ActiveXObject: var xhttp;if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();}else {// code for IE6, IE5xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} Try it Yourself �In the next chapter you will learn about sending server requests. LEARN MOREHTML CardsGoogle MapsAnimated ButtonsModal BoxesModal ImagesTooltipsLoadersFilter ListJS AnimationsProgress BarsDropdownsSlideshowAccordionsSide NavigationTop NavigationHTML IncludesTabs W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.
Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy.Copyright 1999-2016 by Refsnes Data.
All Rights Reserved.Powered by W3.CSS. HTML HTML Tag Reference HTML Event Reference HTML Color Reference HTML Attribute Reference HTML Canvas Reference HTML SVG Reference Google Maps Reference CSS CSS Reference CSS Selector Reference Xmlhttprequest example Reference Bootstrap Reference ? Previous Next ?The XMLHttpRequest object is used to exchange data with aserver.Send a Request To a ServerTo send a request to a server, we use the open() and send() methods of the XMLHttpRequest object: xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);xhttp.send(); MethodDescriptionopen( method, url, async)Specifies the type of requestmethod: the type of request: GET or POSTurl: the server (file) locationasync: true (asynchronous) or false (synchronous)send()Sends the request to the server (used for GET)send( string)Sends the request to the server (used for POST)GET or POST?GET is simpler and faster than POST, and can be used in most cases.However, always use POST requests when:� A cached file is not an option (update a file or database on the server).� Sending a large amount of data to the server (POST has no sizelimitations).� Sending user input (which can contain unknown characters), POST is morerobust and secure than GET.GET RequestsA simple GET request: xhttp.open("POST", "demo_post.asp", true);xhttp.send(); Try it Yourself �To POST data like an HTML form, add an HTTP header with setRequestHeader().Specify the data you want to send in the send() method: xhttp.open("POST", "ajax_test.asp", true);xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");xhttp.send("fname=Henry&lname=Ford"); Try it Yourself �MethodDescriptionsetRequestHeader( header, value)Adds HTTP headers to the requestheader: specifies the header namevalue: specifies the header valueThe url - A File On a ServerThe url parameter of the open() method, is an address to a file on a server: xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_test.asp", true);The file can be any kind of file, like .txt xmlhttpequest, or server scripting files like .asp and .php (which can performactions on the server before sending the response back).Asynchronous - True or False?AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and for the XMLHttpRequestobject to behave as AJAX, the async parameter of the open()method has to be set to true: xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_test.asp", true);Sending asynchronous requests is a huge improvement for web developers.
Many of the tasksperformed on the server are very time consuming. Before AJAX, this operation couldcause the application to hang or stop.With AJAX, theJavaScript does not have to wait for the server response, but can instead:� xmlhttprequest example other scripts while waiting for server response� deal with examlpe response when the response readyAsync=trueWhen using async=true, specify a function to execute when the response is ready in the onreadystatechange event: xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = this.responseText;}};xhttp.open("GET", examplle, true);xhttp.send(); Try it Yourself �You will learn more about onreadystatechange in a later chapter.Async=falseTo use async=false, change the wxample in xmlhttprequest example open() method to false: xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_info.txt", false);Using async=false is not recommended, but for a few small requests this can be ok.Remember that the JavaScript will NOT continue to execute,until the server response is ready.
If the server is busy or slow, theapplication will hang or stop.Note: When you use async=false, do NOT write an onreadystatechangefunction - just put the code after the send() statement: LEARN MOREHTML CardsGoogle MapsAnimated ButtonsModal BoxesModal ImagesTooltipsLoadersFilter ListJS AnimationsProgress BarsDropdownsSlideshowAccordionsSide NavigationTop NavigationHTML IncludesTabs W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.
Examples might be simplified to exakple reading and basic understanding.Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy.Copyright 1999-2016 by Refsnes Data.
All Rights Reserved.Powered by W3.CSS. HTML HTML Tag Reference HTML Event Reference HTML Color Reference HTML Attribute Reference HTML Canvas Reference HTML SVG Reference Google Maps Reference CSS CSS Reference CSS Selector Reference W3.CSS Reference Bootstrap Reference �TourStart here for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or xmlhttpeequest ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.
Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping >Learn more about Documentation > I'd like to know how to use XMLHttpRequest to load the content of a remote URL and have the HTML of the accessed site stored in a JS variable.Say, if I wanted to load and exwmple the HTML of https://foo.com/bar.php, how would I do that? You can get it by XMLHttpRequest.responseText in XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange when XMLHttpRequest.readyState equals to XMLHttpRequest.DONE.Here's an example (not compatible with IE6/7).
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.onreadystatechange exam;le function() {if (xhr.readyState == Xmlhttpreques {alert(xhr.responseText);}}xhr.open('GET', 'https://example.com', true);xhr.send(null);For better crossbrowser compatibility, not only with IE6/7, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and also for less verbosity with firing ajaxical requests, you could use jQuery. $.get('https://example.com', function(responseText) {alert(responseText);});Note that you've to take the Same origin policy for JavaScript into account when not running at localhost.
You may want to consider to create a proxy script at your domain. In XMLHttpRequest, using XMLHttpRequest.responseText may raise the exception like below Failed to read the 'responseText' property from 'XMLHttpRequest':The value is only accessible if the object's xmlhttprequesr is ''or 'text' (was 'arraybuffer')Best way esample access the response from XHR as follows function readBody(xhr) {var data;if (!xhr.responseType || xhr.responseType === "text") {data = xhr.responseText;} else if (xhr.responseType === "document") {data = xhr.responseXML;} else {data = xhr.response;}return data;}var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {if (xhr.readyState == xmlhttprwquest {console.log(readBody(xhr));}}xhr.open('GET', 'https://www.google.com', true);xhr.send(null); discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for?
Browse other questions tagged javascript xmlhttprequest or ask your own question.
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? XML Tutorial XML HOME XML Introduction XML How to use XML Tree Exaample Syntax XML Elements XML Attributes XML Namespaces XML Display XML XSLT XML XPath XML XLink XML Validator XML DTD XML Schema XML Server XML Applications XML Examples XML Quiz XML CertificateXML DOM DOM Intro DOM Nodes DOM XMLHttpRequest DOM Accessing DOM Node Info DOM Node List DOM Traversing DOM Navigating DOM Get Values DOM Change Nodes DOM Remove Nodes DOM Replace Nodes DOM Create Nodes DOM Add Nodes DOM Clone Nodes DOM ExamplesDOM Reference DOM Node Types DOM Node DOM NodeList DOM NamedNodeMap DOM Document DOM Element DOM Attribute DOM Text DOM CDATA DOM Comment DOM XMLHttpRequest DOM ParserXML DTD DTD Intro DTD Building Xmlhttprequsst DTD Elements DTD Attributes DTD Elements vs Attr DTD Entities DTD ExamplesXSD Schema XSD Intro XSD How To XSD
However, it's part of the dxample improvementsbrowser vendors are making to the core platform. I'm including XHR2 in our new bag ofgoodies because it plays such an integral part in today's complex web apps.Turns out our old friend got a huge makeover but many folksare unaware of its new features. XMLHttpRequest Level 2introduces a slew of new capabilities which put an end to crazy hacks in our web apps;things like cross-origin requests, uploading progress events,and support for uploading/downloading binary data.
These allow Xmlhttpreqkest work in concert with many of the bleeding xmlhttpreques HTML5 APIs such as File System API,Web Audio API,and WebGL.This tutorial highlights some of the new features in XMLHttpRequest,especially those that can be used for working with files.
Fetching dataFetching a file as a binary blob has been painful with XHR. Technically,it wasn't even possible. One trick that has been well documented involvesoverriding the mime type with a user-defined charset as seen below.The old way to fetch an image:var xmlhttpequest = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.open('GET', '/path/to/image.png', true);// Hack to pass bytes through unprocessed.xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {var binStr = this.responseText;for (var i = 0, len = binStr.length; i < exammple ++i) {var c = binStr.charCodeAt(i); //String.fromCharCode(c & 0xff); var byte = c & 0xff; // byte at offset i}}};xhr.send();While this works, what you actually get back in the responseTextis not a binary blob.
It is a binary string representing the image file.We're tricking the server into passing the data back, unprocessed.Even though this little gem works, I'm going to call it black magic and adviseagainst it. Anytime you resort to character code hacks and string manipulationfor coercing data into a desirable format, that's a problem. Specifying a response formatIn the previous example, we downloaded the image as a binary "file"by overriding the server's mime type and processing the response text as a binary string.Instead, let's leverage XMLHttpRequest's newresponseType and response properties to informthe browser what format we want the data returned as.
xhr. responseType Before sending a request, set the xhr.responseTypeto "text", "arraybuffer", "blob", or "document", depending on your data needs.Note, setting xhr.responseType = '' (or omitting) will defaultthe xmlyttprequest to "text". xhr. response After a successful request, the xhr's response property willcontain the requested data as a DOMString, ArrayBuffer,Blob, or Document (depending on what was set forresponseType.)With this new awesomeness, we can rework the previous example, but this time,fetch the image as an Blob instead of a string:var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.open('GET', '/path/to/image.png', true);xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function(e) {if (this.status == 200) {// Note: .response instead of .responseTextvar blob = new Blob([this.response], {type: 'image/png'}).}};xhr.send();Much nicer!
ArrayBuffer responsesAn ArrayBufferis a generic fixed-length container for binary data. They are super handy if youneed a generalized buffer of raw data, but the real power behind these guys is thatyou can create "views" of the underlying data using JavaScript typed arrays.In fact, multiple views can be created from a single ArrayBuffer source.For example, you could create an 8-bit integer array that shares the exaple ArrayBufferas an existing 32-bit xjlhttprequest array from the same data.
The underlying dataremains xmlhttprequest example same, we just create different representations of it.As an example, the following fetches our same image as an ArrayBuffer,but this time, creates an unsigned 8-bit integer array from that data buffer:var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.open('GET', '/path/to/image.png', exanple = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onload = function(e) {var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array( this.response); // this.response == uInt8Array.buffer// var byte3 = uInt8Array[4]; // byte at offset 4.};xhr.send();Blob responsesIf you want to work directly with a Blob and/ordon't need to manipulate any of the file's bytes, use xhr.responseType='blob':window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // Take care of vendor prefixes.var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xh� Espanol (es)� Francais (fr)� Italiano (it)� ??? (ja)� ??? (ko)� Nederlands (nl)� Polski (pl)� Portugues (do�Brasil) (pt-BR)� ������� (ru)� ?? (??) (zh-CN)� ???? (??) (zh-TW)� Add a translation� Edit� Advanced � bunnybooboo� Havvy� teoli� jhia� toothbrush� moxlotus� dbruant� gottcha� russianryebread� fusionchess� linclark� coolaj86� so_matt_basta� TimothyGu� cpigat� xfq� dieulot� tathata� sivsivsree� grhegde09� klahnakoski� katlyn� Ted456� AluisioASG� kohei.yoshino� nitin.arya� Brooks� kscarfone� captbrogers� mattbasta� Nmaier� Asuza� Noitidart� Sheppy� fwenzel� eddiemonge� ethertank� louisremi� Pitux� zackbloom� kmaglione� Kyle Huey� enderandpeter� Rob W� ziyunfei� TwelveBaud� julienw� vog� Neil� cgack� christianvuerings� michaelvanham� khuey� XP1� eliperelman� nestoralvaro� Martimus8� madarche� leuqarte� evilpie� isaaclw� ebidel� bcmpinc� deadeye536� emk� Atotic� azakai� rywall� Crash� Sicking� Blizzard� zencd� vtempest� sdwilsh� Potappo� PWeilbacher� RandomEngy� Bzbarsky� Imphil� fnevgeny� MarkFinkle� vladimir.dzhuvinovUsing XMLHttpRequest In This Article� Types of requests� Handling responses� Analyzing and manipulating the responseXML property� Analyzing and manipulating a responseText property containing an HTML document� Handling binary data� Monitoring xmlhttprequest example Submitting forms and uploading files� Using nothing but XMLHttpRequest� A brief introduction to the submit methods� A little vanilla framework� Using FormData objects� Get last modified date� Do something when last xklhttprequest date changes� Cross-site XMLHttpRequest� Bypassing the cache� Security� XMLHttpRequests being stopped� Using XMLHttpRequest from JavaScript modules / XPCOM components� See also XMLHttpRequest makes sending HTTP requests very easy.
You simply create an instance of the object, open a URL, and send the request. The HTTP status of the result, as well as the result's contents, are available in the request object when the transaction is completed. This page outlines some of the common, and even slightly obscure, use cases for this powerful JavaScript object.
function reqListener () {console.log(this.responseText);}var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);oReq.open("GET", "https://www.example.org/example.txt");oReq.send(); Types of requestsA request made via XMLHttpRequest can fetch the data in one of two ways, asynchronously or synchronously.
The type of request is dictated by the optional async argument (the third argument) that is set on the XMLHttpRequest open() method. If this argument is true or not specified, the XMLHttpRequest is processed asynchronously, otherwise the process is handled synchronously. A detailed discussion and demonstrations of these two types of requests xmlhttprequeat be found on the synchronous and asynchronous requests page.
In general, you should rarely if ever use synchronous requests. Note: Starting with Gecko 30.0 (Firefox 30.0 / Thunderbird 30.0 / SeaMonkey 2.27), synchronous requests on the main thread have been deprecated due to the negative effects to the user experience. Handling responsesThere are several types of response attributes defined by the W3C specification for XMLHttpRequest.
These tell the client making the XMLHttpRequest important information about the status of the response. Some cases where dealing with non-text response types may involve some manipulation and analysis are outlined in the following sections. Analyzing and manipulating the responseXML propertyIf you use XMLHttpRequest to get the content of a remote XML document, the responseXML property will be a DOM Object containing a parsed XML document. This could prove difficult to manipulate and analyze.
There are five primary ways of analyzing this XML document:� Using XPath to address (or point to) examplee of it.� Using JXON to convert it into a JavaScript Object tree.� Manually Parsing and serializing XML to strings or objects.� Using XMLSerializer to serialize DOM trees to strings or to files.� RegExp can be used if you always know the content of the XML document beforehand.
You might want to remove line breaks, if you use RegExp to scan with regard to linebreaks. However, this method is a "last resort" since if the XML code changes slightly, the method will likely fail.Analyzing and manipulating a responseText property containing an HTML document Note: The W3C XMLHttpRequest specification allows�HTML parsing via the XMLHttpRequest.responseXML property.
Read the article about HTML in XMLHttpRequest for details.If you use XMLHttpRequest to get the content of a remote HTML webpage, the responseText property is a string containing a "soup" of all the HTML tags.
This could prove difficult to manipulate and analyze. There are three primary ways xmlhtptrequest analyzing this HTML soup string:� Use the XMLHttpRequest.responseXML property.� Inject the content into the body of a document fragment via fragment.body.innerHTML�and traverse the DOM of the fragment.� RegExp can be used if you always know the content xmlhttpeequest th418 unused unusedThe server encountered an internal error ormisconfiguration and was unable to completeyour request.Please contact the server administrator,webmaster@xhr.spec.whatwg.org and inform them of the time the error occurred,and anything you might have done that may havecaused the error.More information about this error may be availablein the server error log.
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